Articles from Oak Springs Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
The average person searching for affordable dental service in Miami Lakes are probably won’t begin their search with Invisalign, implants, braces, dentures, etc.. So we won’t publish those types of blog to give information on topics that not many are seeking answers to. Dr. Jose Talavera believes that a well-educated consumer will make a better dental patient for Oak Springs Cosmetic and Family Dentistry. As the name states that is what we do, we offer general and cosmetic dental services to families in the Miami, Miami Lakes, and Palm Springs North areas. And through our blog, we will provide them with the type of information they need to have before coming to us. Dr. Jose Talavera is an active participant of the Miami Lakes community, a member of the local BNI chapter, and highly regarded by his peers. We look forward to addressing clients question and concerns through our blog.
Information Regarding How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Advance Careers
Many professionals consider getting cosmetic dentistry. The reasoning is that lots of studies have shown that professionals that have beautiful, glowing teeth are more likely to be successful. Psychologists have published many studies that showcase individuals with properly maintained, beautiful teeth gaining favorable treatment in many work situations. Hence, there’s definitely a strong argument behind how cosmetic dentistry can advance careers. With this in mind, here’s some crucial information to keep in mind [...]
Is Dental Insurance Worth It: A Helpful Guide
Have you found yourself asking if dental insurance was worth it? Sure, you have to pay for it and you may or may not need to use the benefits. Or that is what many people think anyway. The truth is, you may have to pay for dental insurance. However, it may be worth it if you want to keep your mouth, teeth, and tongue as healthy as possible as long as possible. The [...]
The Importance Of Good Oral Health
It may come as a surprise but good oral health is not only important to your teeth and gums. Evidence has shown that bad oral hygiene can cause and aggravate a number of different health conditions. Over and above this, poor oral health has also been linked to cognitive decline - especially age-related neurological conditions such as dementia. Most people however fail to take the necessary steps to protect their physical and mental [...]
Professional Teeth Whitening: Why You Should Consider It
Your smile is one of the first things that others notice about it. And if you are not proud of your smile, it can be quite embarrassing. Luckily, professional teeth whitening can turn things around for you and help you be proud to show off those pearly whites. There are many benefits to professional teeth whitening and some of them are described here. 1. Professional Whitening Is Safer. While there are many do [...]
Top Reasons To Use A Local Dentist
Many dental practices are corporate-owned. This means the dental practice is part of a network of other dental practices around a region or country. If you need a dentist, then you should use a local one. If you want to find out the top reasons why you should use a local dentist, then continue to read on. Personalized Experience A local dentist gets to know their patients. At a corporate dental office, they [...]
Can Damaged Teeth Be Restored?
It's natural that you want your teeth to look good. More specifically, you want to be able to smile with confidence. And nothing breaks the ice like a friendly smile. In fact, sometimes, just a quick smile to a stranger can turn your whole day around. But teeth and gums aren't just there for smiling and flirting. They serve a valuable purpose on a daily basis. For example, teeth allow us to eat [...]
Reasons To Get Oral Cancer Examinations
Oral cancer is extremely deadly. Luckily, oral screenings can properly detect the early stages of the disease. There are many reasons you will want to schedule oral cancer examinations when possible. Below, we will be going over some of the top reasons to consider getting them regularly. Reasons To Get Oral Cancer Examinations: 1. Inexpensive. One of the main reasons you are going to want to get these kinds of examinations regularly has [...]
Just What Are Permanent Dental Implants?
Dental issues aren't any fun to deal with, but they are important for your health. While basic cleanings and fillings might be enough for some people, there are plenty who have more serious tooth issues. This not only leads to crowns and root canals but there are also times when tooth loss might be unavoidable and in that situation there are multiple options but the permanent dental implant is often the best way [...]
The Reasons For Professional Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. Everyone desires a set of healthy looking and bright pearly whites. However, we live in a world where we are exposed to numerous factors that lead to the staining and discoloration of our teeth. From beverages such as coffee, sodas and red wines to vibrant fruits such as blueberries and habits such as smoking, the list is endless when it comes [...]